Mengelt – a Walser family name
descended from the Swiss region of
Rheinwald, Graubünden (Grisons)

We invite Mengelt family members from around the world to contribute to these web pages with historical and current events, photos, letters, stories, and other entries regarding the Mengelt family.

If you have any questions, suggestions,
or contributions concerning the Mengelt Family web pages please contact:


> Family Name Mengelt
Origin of the family name Mengelt

> A Walser family name on the Internet
Walservereinigung Graubünden / Report Spring 2008
English translation of the article by Christian Mengelt (pdf)

> Family History / Genealogy
Mengelt family origins, family coat of arms, ancestors and family trees,
Mengelt descendants, emigrants, and more

> Links to Informations, Institutiones
Information about organizations, communities, places and regions,
travel, cuisine and culture, events, and more

< Rheinwaldhorn

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